Pinecrest Academy, Inc. Schools Now Accepting Applications for the 2023-2024 School Year Pinecrest Academy, Inc. Schools Now Accepting Applications for the 2023-2024 School Year Pinecrest Academy, Inc. Schools Now Accepting Applications for the 2023-2024 School Year

Pinecrest Academy, Inc. Schools Now Accepting Applications for the 2023-2024 School Year

  • Students are at the core of our Mission and their success is our success.
  • Students benefit from instruction that is based in research focused on various learning styles and modalities as well as tailored to specific needs, especially those with language barriers, academic learning gaps, and special needs.
  • Students are assured of a safe, positive, and caring school environment that encourages growth and learning.
  • Students enjoy opportunities for success across the curriculum through varied learning experiences and in different leadership opportunities.
  • Students are afforded multiple opportunities to develop into life-long, intrinsically motivated learners.
  • Parents are an integral part of each school’s team.
  • Parents agree that their involvement is crucial to their child’s success and the success of the school.
  • Families are expected to engage as partners of the school through completing a minimum of 30 volunteer hours per year at each school as per their parent contract.
  • Parents work to help improve the school by participating in various programs at each school site such as Parents as Liaisons (PAL), Educational Excellence School Advisory Council (EESAC) and Parent, Teacher, Student, Involvement (PTSI).
  • Teachers understand the value of differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all of the Pinecrest Schools’ learners.
  • Teachers utilize instruction that is data-driven, standards and research based, as well as student-centered.
  • Teachers view teaching as a meaningful and innovative process that produces a lifelong passion for learning and model that passion daily.
  • Reinforcement and reflection methods are implemented by the teachers to assist students in making connections and develop higher order thinking skills by helping them analyze and synthesize data using depth of knowledge skills.
  • Teachers encourage, plan, and guide students through hands-on, project-based, and multi-media learning experiences.
  • Administrators share the belief that their job entails guiding teachers and students towards shared goals of success.
  • Administrators understand their role is to educate future leaders and that the needs of parents require an open door policy that allows for meaningful exchange and dialogue.
  • Administrators across all schools use an informal observation tool that assesses teacher behaviors which helps to plan professional development for staff, provide opportunities for staff to reflect on teaching and learning, and assure quality throughout the schools.
  • Administrators across all schools use a formal observation tool that assesses teacher effectiveness and in turn helps to guide teacher growth.
  • Administrators understand the value of technology and work to provide appropriate and adequate technology that enhances teaching and learning.
Governing Board
  • The Governing Board believes in creating quality assurance structures that support our expansion plans to continue to operate academically and financially successful charter schools.
  • The Governing Board adheres to board policies that avoid conflicts of interest for board members.
  • The Governing Board believes in requiring and monitoring that all schools adhere to local, state, and federal compliance laws.
  • The Governing Board works with our educational support services vendor, Academica, to find the most qualified and accomplished school leaders.
  • The Governing Board monitors our schools by requiring a principal and financial report at each board meeting.
Community Relations
  • Pinecrest Academy, Inc. Schools engage in meaningful relationships with members of each school’s community.
  • Community members are encouraged to partner with the schools to support philanthropic causes so that students experience the school to world connection.
  • Community members are invited to the schools for a variety of opportunities such as in-classroom discussion and lessons, career presentations, and mentoring.

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Pinecrest Academy, Inc. Schools Now Accepting Applications for the 2023-2024 School Year

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